Audubon Education Center, CA
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Platinum Facility Installs AdvanTex Treatment System

Audubon CS

High-Quality Effluent Is Suitable for Reuse, Conserves Water


The Audubon Society wished to build an environmental education center in Debs Park, Los Angeles, that would be a model of green architecture and the first LEED Platinum-rated facility in the world. To do that, they needed a wastewater reuse option.


Audubon won city approval to go “off” the sewer grid, so it could capture, treat, and re-use wastewater with an Orenco-manufactured AdvanTex® Textile Treatment System. Treated effluent is of such high quality that it is re-used for irrigation and will ultimately be used, when officially permitted, for toilet flushing. In 2004, the Audubon Center earned a Platinum rating with the highest score in LEED history