Protect Hawaii's Water
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Help Protect Paradise
Some Call It Home
Vacation Getaway


Whatever you call it, Hawai’i and its waters need protection.


Protect the Waters of Hawai’i

Affordable Collection and Treatment with Prelos® and AdvanTex®

Hawaii needs an affordable, adaptable, and flexible way to protect its precious water. We can save land and communities from cesspools that leak raw wastewater into the Hawaiian ecosystem with Orenco’s Prelos Sewer. Prelos helps keep communities across the country safe at lower initial and long-term costs than gravity sewers and more sustainably than other options. And Prelos installation minimizes disruption to local communities.

Single-family residences and communities need a low-cost, low-maintenance way to remove harmful wastewater constituents. We can protect groundwater, rivers, and oceans from excess nutrients and dangerous pathogens with AdvanTex Wastewater Treatment Systems. AdvanTex treats wastewater to better-than-secondary standards, helping save freshwater and saltwater ecosystems – including coral reefs – from damage.

Both Prelos and AdvanTex are affordable, scalable, and easily expandable to meet the needs of communities like yours.

Let Us Help



Current ground water during sea level rise




Trouble in Paradise

Hawai’ian Water in Danger

Hawaii has more than 80,000 cesspools that discharge a combined 52 million gallons or more of untreated wastewater into Hawaiian groundwater, streams, rivers, and the ocean every day. Untreated wastewater pollutes beaches and surf, kills coral reefs, makes its way into drinking water, and threatens local and state economies. But things don’t have to be like this.

We Can Help
Current ground water during sea level rise


Current ground water during sea level rise



Hawaii Slide 1

How the Prelos Sewer works

Hawaii Slide 2

How the AdvanTex Treatment System works

Hawaii Slide 3

Prelos Sewer brochure

Hawaii Slide 4

AdvanTex-20 brochure

Hawaii Slide 5

Tailored wastewater solutions that fit each community

Hawaii Slide 6

Prelos is a component of sewer collections systems

For more information about how to protect paradise with Prelos and AdvanTex, or to find out more about Orenco’s mission of protecting the world’s water, contact an Orenco distributor or an Orenco sales representative at +1 541 459-4449, (800) 348-9843, or

Take the first step today