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My Orenco Story

Jim Healy, Eastern Regional Sales Manager

Behind every great solution is a team that works together to make it happen. As Eastern Regional Sales Manager, Jim Healy leads a dedicated group at Orenco, solving customer challenges with innovative onsite systems and building partnerships that last. Together, they ensure every solution is reliable, effective, and tailored to meet customer needs — delivering success from installation to long-term performance.

My Orenco Story

Sarah Lotfi, Engineer

Less than 20% of engineers are women. Sarah Lotfi, PhD, post-sales engineer at Orenco Systems, is one of them. “The part of my job I value most is knowing that my work contributes to protecting the environment,” she says. “Every day, I get to play a role in improving water quality, which directly impacts our communities and ecosystems. It’s rewarding to know that my work helps to protect an important resource for future generations.” 

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Sarah Lotfi

My Orenco Story

Catherine Kirkland, Sales Engineer

“Love what you do, and you’ll never work a day in your life.” Catherine Kirkland, regional sales engineer at Orenco Systems, loves to help people solve water and wastewater management problems. A recent project took her to Ohio, where she met with property owners who described an issue plaguing the area. She went right to work helping the residents find the best solution. Problem solving like this is her favorite part of her job. “I really feel like I’m making a positive impact on the environment,” she says. “My whole life/career, I’ve been looking for a company like this. I finally found it. And that is why I come to work every day.”

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Working Orenco-Style

We’re a team

We work hard when we’re here, support our fellow employees, and make sure our efforts help advance Orenco’s vision.

We keep learning

It’s important to always add to our skill sets, so we talk with our supervisors and take advantage of opportunities to learn more and do more, both as employees and as individuals.

We communicate

We share information about work-related problems and opportunities with our co-workers and supervisor. This makes life easier for everybody and helps Orenco improve.

We’re nice people

It sounds simplistic, but it’s important. Being kind to each other and easy to work with are a huge part of what makes this a great place to be.

We’re proactive

When a problem needs to be addressed, we deal with it openly, honestly, and offer solutions. When we see an opportunity for growth, we work with our team and our supervisor to take advantage of it.

We ask good questions

If we don’t know the answer to something, we find someone who does. There are no “dumb” questions here. We strive to create an environment where everyone can get answers and gain knowledge.

We’re balanced

Making sure we maintain a good work/life balance helps us be the kind of people others enjoy being around. We’re effective at work and well-balanced in life.

Work/Life Balance

Finding the right balance between work and the rest of your life can be a challenge sometimes. We want you to do an excellent job at work, but we also want you to have a happy life. We love where we live: lots of great people, great food and wine, and easy access to the great outdoors.

Find Your Niche

Whether you’re a manufacturing tech or an engineer, we’ve got a variety of different departments that could use your skills.